Present a Client’s Case
For practitioners enrolled in the ECHO IDD Wraparound program, please contact the ECHO IDD Coordinator at [email protected] if you are interested presenting a client’s case.
Please find information about preparing a client case report below here:
Preparing for a client case presentation – Please view the following presentation to understand a correct way to present a case in an ECHO session (about 10 minutes).
Project ECHO’s goal is to protect patient privacy. To help Project ECHO accomplish that goal, please only display or say information that does not identify a patient or that cannot be linked to a patient.
Access and complete a case presentation form.*
*Please complete the form to the best of your ability in advance of your presentation. This will improve the quality of our evaluation of your patient. If you require any assistance or have questions about the case presentation form, contact us
at [email protected].
**You do not need to complete filling the form in one sitting. There is an option to “save and return”. If you do select “save and return”, a code will be provided for you to access the incomplete form at a later time.
What to expect after we receive your completed form:
You will receive an email from [email protected] to schedule a date for your case presentation. All personally identifiable health information will be de-identified and we will assign a confidential ID number to your case.
PLEASE NOTE that Project ECHO® educational case discussions are designed to facilitate educational discussion on best practices among health care professionals regarding a given medical condition and do not constitute a formal medical consult or provision of medical services to a specific patient. The requesting healthcare professional is responsible for the medical management and care of any individual patient that they treat. Discussions with Project ECHO experts do not create or otherwise establish a clinician-patient relationship between any UW Medicine health care professional and any patient whose case is being presented in a Project ECHO setting.
- Didactic Topics
- Recorded Didactic Presentations
- Present a Client Report
- Meet the Panel
- Resources
- Announcements
- Contact Us
Contact ECHO IDD Wraparound
For more information about this community of practice, please contact [email protected].