ECHO IDD Psychiatric Care
ECHO IDD Psychiatric Care
- For Providers across Washington State who are managing the psychiatric care of youth and young adults with IDD and behavioral health needs and are enrolled or considering enrollment with a Medicaid Managed Care Organization.
- 8:30 am – 10:00 am
- (1st Wednesday of every month from February 5, 2025 – December 3, 2025 Summer Break: July & August)
- This is a free program.
Expectations for participation in the Primary teleECHOTM clinic – Participate in at least 70% of the teleECHOTM sessions and interested and willing to present a client’s case for discussion, appropriate to the focus of the program. We also request participants to actively engage in the peer learning and teaching community by sharing ideas in breakout and large group discussions.
ECHO IDD Wraparound by Numbers and Geographic Reach.

This ECHO program trains and supports community health practitioners in 25 community health centers across Washington state.
About the Logo Artist
Our logo was created by local artist Rey Daoed. Per his bio, Rey is “diagnosed with autism and apraxia of speech. Typing, handwriting, and text-to-speech apps are his preferred method of communication. Rey began painting in 2015, and the medium soon became an important secondary means of communication for him. Rey’s award-winning work has been featured in group exhibitions both locally and abroad.” Link for more info on Rey and his art.
Contact ECHO IDD Wraparound
For more information about this community of practice, please contact [email protected].